Category: Podcast

  • 3:20 and Chopsticks – The Oxbow Episode 8

    December 23, 2021
    In this episode, Matthew explores a replica of an Etruscan drinking cup and how it connects to a more felt…
  • Bees Wax – The Oxbow Episode 7

    December 16, 2021
    In this episode Matthew skitters widely on folklore about bees and honey, false etymologies, real mythologies, and how the bee…
  • Woodcarver Business Card – The Oxbow Episode 6

    December 8, 2021
    This episode gets a reference to a specific episode from Stephen Jenkinson's book "Come of Age: The Case for Elderhood…
  • Rocks – The Oxbow episode 5

    November 18, 2021
    In this episode of The Oxbow the suggestion from a postcard was "rocks." After a joking chastisement of the submitter…
  • Cinnamon Tea – The Oxbow episode 4

    November 12, 2021
    In this episode of The Oxbow a Benegal Spice cinnamon tea teabag is the mailed-in suggestion. This ends up being…
  • Speed – The Oxbow episode 3

    November 4, 2021
    This episode's word is speed.  Matthew reminisces about questionable childhood gifts, walking with Thoreau, the time man spends with his…
  • Notional – The Oxbow episode 2

    October 28, 2021
    Casey Jones by The Grateful Dead Before Writing: From Counting to Cuneiform by Denise Schmandt-Besserat Nature word of the…
  • Brodo – The Oxbow episode 1

    October 21, 2021
    In the premiere episode of his new podcast The Oxbow, Matthew Stillman sets the stage for a series of free-flow…

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