For todays dispatch I am so thrilled to share with you a just short of three minute video of my friend Daniel Stermac-Stein who is a traditional skin tanner and handmade bespoke leather tailor.
I am lucky to have a jacket that he made and I treasure this fine piece of clothing.
My plea is that you hear his beautifully rendered words about clothing actually coming from somewhere and having consequence in their wearing and their making. And not being anonymous.
His approach to clothing is very much kindred to the way I approach making Primal Derma for all of you.
It wouldn’t surprise me at all after watching this little video below, being lovers of Primal Derma, that you might want to procure some of his fine work for yourself. If you do – doubtless it will be a jewel in your sartorial crown. His website and email address are in the video.